$197  free if you sign up now.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Did you know that OCULUS VR has gone from a Kickstarter project in 2012 to having MILLIONS of headsets and a thriving marketplace today. 

Did you know that 1 out of 3 apps in the Oculus Store has done over a million dollars 
 Impact-Investing Market EXPANDS to $715 BILLION in 2020
Have you played a VR headset before?
Do you want to get into
an explosive marketplace?
Are you curious how you can use Virtual Reality to make money and help people?



June 15, 2021

1 PM - 2:30 PM PST

Skip Rizzo 
Daniel Baird
6:30 PM PST


June 16, 2021

1 PM - 2:30 PM PST

Agnis Stibe 
Eve Powell 


June 17, 2021

1 PM - 2:30 PM PST

Dane Maxwell
*Special VR Demo*


June 18, 2021

1 PM - 2:30 PM PST

Michal Lovecky 
Michel Haddad  


June 19, 2021

1 PM - 3 PM PST


At the end of the challenge, you will have an opportunity to pitch your idea to our acclaimed judges:

Tipatat Chennavasin

Tipatat Chennavasin is a General Partner of the Venture Reality Fund investing in early stage VR, AR, AI and 5G companies. He is an adviser for many VR and AR companies as well as a mentor for VR and AR incubators and accelerators around the world. The Venture Reality Fund has looked at over 5,000 startups in the space and invested in over 40, including Beat Games, acquired by Facebook, and Rec Room, the first VR software Unicorn.  

Kyle Riesenbeck

Kyle Riesenbeck is Operations Manager at UploadVR, the #1 virtual reality news outlet. In his previous lives, he has been a VR developer, a training consultant, and host of the "Rev VR Podcast". Kyle is also the Editor In Chief of Upload magazine.

Dylan Watkins

Dylan Watkins is a serial entrepreneur. Founder of Reality Smash, a purpose driven technology development studio. Lead organizer of OCVR. Organized, mentored & judged for emerging tech hackathons for UCI, USC & MIT. Pink Heart Burner, focused on using technology to reconnect humanity.  


Skip Rizzo - Speaker
“Clinical Virtual Reality: Seven Ways that Virtual Reality Will Change the World of Mental Healthcare and its Integration with Psychedelic Therapy!” 

Tuesday, June 15th, 2021 @ 4 PM PST

Psychologist Skip Rizzo conducts research on the design, development and evaluation of virtual reality (VR) systems targeting the areas of clinical assessment, treatment rehabilitation and resilience. This work spans the domains of psychological, cognitive and motor functioning in both healthy and clinical populations. Rizzo, whose work using virtual reality-based exposure therapy to treat PTSD received the American Psychological Association’s 2010 Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Treatment of Trauma, is the associate director for medical virtual reality at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies.

Professor Agnis Stibe - Speaker “Transformational Frameworks for

Wednesday, June 16th, 2021 @ 9 AM PST

Professor Agnis Stibe is a 4x TED speaker, MIT alum, globally recognized corporate consultant and scientific advisor. Agnis provides a disruptive STIBE method and tools to master any change with certainty. He is also the Professor of Transformation and Academic Director on Artificial Intelligence at EM Normandie Business School. Paris Lead of Silicon Valley founded Transformative Technology community.

Eve Powell - Speaker
“Powell’s Pervasive Playlens” 

Wednesday, June 16th, 2021 @ 3 PM PST

Dr. Evie Powell is a games researcher and developer specializing in immersive interactions and prototype design. With a unique career bridging gaming and healthcare, Dr. Powell integrates game design and UX design to create meaningful experiences that help people learn, play, and work differently. At Proprio, her focus is on anticipating how surgeons think and designing a suite of tools to empower them to think and perform optimally. Dr. Powell graduated from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte with her Ph.D. in Computer Science. Her research centered on socially pervasive game experiences and context-aware gaming using mobile technologies.

Daniel Baird - Speaker
“Facing Fears, Fixing Adventure and How They can be Applied in VR”

Tuesday, June 15th, 2021 
@ 6:30 PM PST

Dan is a regular expert contributor to survival publications and websites including SurvivalLife.com and American Survival Guide and has been featured for his expertise in primitive survival on ABC news, Good Morning America, and Nat Geo Mygrations. He has jumped from helicopters into shark infested waters. He tracked across the Serengeti 300 miles on 5000 calorie and 30 days for the Nat Geo Show Mygrations. He frequently takes YouTube influencers to crazy ass places like the Congo to rappel down 1200 ft into one of the most active lava flow volcanos.

Dane Maxwell - Speaker
“Customer Validation - No Idea, No Plan, No Money, No Problem”

Thursday, June 17th, 2021
@ 3 PM PST

Dane Maxwell is experienced in failures, he's also learned how to not fail in the process. He's the Author of #1 Best Selling book Start From Zero. Podcast host Start From Zero. He is the Founder of the Foundation an online academy that has made over 17 online millionaires. He is the founder of Arena Rivals, the first of its kind Virtual Reality eSports arena shooter that's primary aim is to create an uplifting community of highly competitive gamers that want to make friends and build a positive brain (not a negative one).

Michel Haddad - Speaker
“Pitching to Investors” 

Friday, June 18th, 2021
@ 4 PM PST

Former MMA fighter now battles arthritis and aging for a stem cell startup. Michel Haddad is the co founder of Synova life Sciences. His company is bringing technologies to market that fuel the growth of personalized regenerative medicine. A 4 time incubator graduate with Y Combinator, Lemnos Labs, Stanford’s StartX and Fast Start Studios, Michel has raised millions of dollars from various investors for multiple companies. 

Michal Lovecky - Speaker
"Saving the worlds Oceans with Crowdsourced Funding and Virtual Reality"

Friday, June 18th, 2021
@ 2 PM PST

Michal Lovecky is a creative director and XR technologist. He is the founder and CEO of Cyan Planet, on a mission to connect people with the ocean, evoke empathy for marine life, and spark action for marine conservation. Since 2015, he has delivered over 60 immersive media projects, pioneering the first-ever 8K VR live streaming over a 5G network in Germany, and developed 360° video monitoring techniques to assess coral reefs' ecology. He was awarded by Deloitte for high standards in innovation. Michal uses virtual reality as a tool to share his passion for the ocean and to democratize access to it for everyone. As the director and producer of "How is the Water", an XR virtual ocean simulation, he was selected for Cannes and Venice film festivals.

Special VIP Demo Session

CreeperBetty - Speaker / Demo
“Prototyping In VR

Thursday, June 17th, 2021 @ 6 PM PST

Creeper Betty is a GameCat that loves her VR community and is has an obsession with cats. She is one of the creators of The VR Chat show. A mother of a 17 year old, She loves her PSVR and Oculus.

While Virtual Reality is an amazing experience,
People no longer crave experiences...


There is a new era of TRANSFORMATIONAL ECONOMY being born in the Virtual Reality Industry and you could be at the forefront.

 Impact-Investing Market EXPANDS
to $715 BILLION in 2020

The business of mindfulness is fast becoming a pillar of the
$4.5 TRILLION wellness industry.
What is the definition of POWER

The ability to change another person’s REALITY. 

Virtual Reality is the ultimate EMPATHY and
transformational ENGINE

The new BILLIONAIRE isn’t about making a billion dollars
but instead changing a BILLION LIVES 

Do you want to know the mindset & skill set required
to thrive in this new REALITY?

Imagine being the SUPERHERO to another person's reality and EMPOWERING them through your Virtual Reality Application

We are having a 5 DAY Transformational Virtual Reality Design Challenge for Entrepreneurs that teaches you how to find your first heart- centered idea to profitable VR Application.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Sign up NOW to Become a Reality Changer and attend the challenge that begins on June 15th, 2021 at 1PM PST

Challenge cost $197 FREE.

For a limited time only.

Your guide for this 5 Day Challenge is Dylan Watkins.
Dylan Watkins is a serial entrepreneur. Founder of Reality Smash, a purpose driven technology development studio. Lead organizer of OCVR. Organized, mentored & judged for emerging tech hackathons for UCI, USC & MIT. Pink Heart Burner, focused on using technology to reconnect humanity. 

For the past five years, we have our partners and clients design and build products for an array of organizations and help them turn their ideas into realities.
Testimonials about the methods you will discover while you're in the challenge. 

Still have questions? We've got your answers in our FAQ:

Can they work as a team or solo?
Solo or together is fine

Do I need to know how to code?
No (You are welcome to make a prototype and submit it but it is not required)

What is the difference between a challenge and hackathon?
A challenge is less time commitment and no coding required (but you can code if you want to submit a prototype)

Do I need a VR headset
No but it would be beneficial for you to have one. (You can get an oculus quest here)

What is the date of the challenge?
June 15th-19th

What is the time of the challenge?
1PM - 230pm Pacific 
3PM to 430 Central
4PM to 530PM Eastern

Do I need to attend live?
It’s helpful but not required, you can watch recordings up to end the of the challenge. Then they will be deleted and only the people with VIP membership will have replay access

How long is the challenge?
5 days starting from Tuesday through Saturday

When will the judges be speaking?
To be determined, we will post the times on the main TransformationalVR.com page next to the speakers names when we have a confirmed time

How do I access the live videos of the challenge ?
The live video stream will be available in Facebook

Do I need to attend live?
It’s helpful but not required, you can watch recordings (of the daily trainings) up to end the of the challenge. Anyone can watch the VIP Speakers Live, but afterwards, videos will be deleted and only the people with VIP membership will have replay access.

How will I submit my work for the challenge?
We will be using a new online platform called Trello for you to submit any actions you complete for the challenge. Details on how to sign up will be in the Facebook group  

What happens if i don’t have a facebook account? 
Make one and only use it for this challenge. You can alway delete it afterwards :-D

Will everyone get to pitch to the judges directly?
You will submit your pitch to Trello platform for the semi finals. The finalist that are selected will be able to pitch directly to the judges

How much time am I expected to commit for the challenge?
There will be 60-90 minutes of a daily live stream with Q&A
In addition to the 60-90 mins you will have the ability to watch the VIP speakers live 
There will be take home activities for you to complete if you want compete in the challenge and pitch to the judges

What is the benefits of this challenge?
Learn what is transformation 
Learn the benefits of VR and transformation
Learn to how to find an idea
Learn how to validate an idea
Learn how to create a plan to make your idea a reality
Learn how to pitch to investors 
Opportunity to pitch your idea to investors and industry experts 

Who is this challenge for?
People that want to get into virtual reality while it’s still young
People that want to learn how to use virtual reality for impact
People that want to learn how to fund their idea and make it profitable
People that want to connect with other like minded people in the space 

What protection do we have that our ideas won't be stolen ?
There is no protection from that, but the effort and skill it takes to develop in VR is immense, and with the help from experts it would take someone else a tremendous amount of time to execute your idea. We live in a scary world and your question is extremely valid, but most times it takes many iterations to flush out value from an idea. So yes someone could take your idea and try and catch up to you, but if you are sprinting with it, they will be wasting their time. And if you are still worried about it, then I wouldn't sign up.

The 5 Day Transformational VR Design Challenge
for Entrepreneurs is presented by Reality Smash
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